King of Excellent (according to Scaryduck)

Wednesday, December 10

Right then, this is it.

Scaryduck, the immortal man that is the Blogger of the century (which century I don't know!) has finally driven me to ponder the possibility of starting my own blog.

This shouldn't be updated as often as his, but to be honest, he seems to have more time then me.

It will be my own idea of a blog, and is basically something I find funny, or I think you will find funny.

Sigh, here goes

A genuine quote from TV's Naughtiest Blunders, on ITV Last night as 2 Aussie Kids puppets were chatting...

"And so she said that, oh bollocks."
"Fuck really? She said oh bollocks? Was she pissed?"

Ho hum

From the BBC news about Michael Barrymore's pool blockage...

"An open verdict was recorded at the inquest, which heard that Mr Lubbock suffered severe internal injuries which suggested he may have been seriously sexually assaulted before his death. "

Wow! Rogered to death, that must've hurt.