King of Excellent (according to Scaryduck)

Wednesday, July 26

Some people have too much time...

This is one of those challenges that are great for kids over the summer holiday. Kinda like eating 3 crackers in a minute or eating a doughnut without licking your lips. The task is easy enough:

Using 12 cups (paper or plastic, it doesn't really matter) stacked anyway you like, you must make 3 pyramids, the first is 2 cups wide(3 cups overall), the second is 3 cups wide(6 cups overall), and the third is 2 cups wide again. Then you have to restack them, and then do 2 pyramids both 3 wide. Restacking again, then you need to do a single cup, a 4 wide pyramid(10 cups overall), and another single cup. Finally you restack them all.

See how quickly you can do this, then try and beat this young lady...