Celebrating my blog's blogday, aka my 1000th post, I thought I should do some interesting facts and figures from the past 6 years (has it really been that long?)
I'm going to take an imaginary trip to all my long distance readers. First of all, how far is it?
Here to Ricardipus: 3400 miles (5473km)
Ricardipus to Sewmouse: 432 miles (695km)
Sewmouse to Debi: 313 miles (504km)
Debi to BLS: 713 miles (1148km)
BLS to Cuz'n Doug: 10 feet or so (1 metre)
Cuz'n Doug to Pseudonymph: 11303 miles (18191km)
Pseudonymph to Scaryduck (at work):9042 miles (14553km)
Scaryduck to my Dad: 69 miles (111km)
Dad to Bryn: 135 miles (218km)
Bryn to the delightful Tania: 183 Miles (295km)
The delightful Tania back to here: 228 miles (368km)
Total trip: 25818 miles (41556km)
Now, bearing in mind that Chemosaaby is averaging 32.9mpg at the moment, and petrol here is about 104.9pence per litre, this means that my wallet would be lighter to the tune of £3,737 if I drove it all the way. It would also take me at an average speed of 60mph only 17 days, 22 hours and 18 minutes. I would also need a quite a bit of waterproofing.
Now, if I decide I don't want to drive that far (can you blame me?) I might want to take the cheaper option and fly instead. So, flying from Cardiff first or business class where possible (I want to travel comfortably), and stopping at each and every location or as close as I can get reasonably (Sorry Bryn, no airline wants to go to Anglesey) would cost a comparatively cheap £22,514.
I have now posted on average once every 2.15 days, and have averaged 240 words per post. I have seen the MP3 take over the CD and Blu Ray take over DVD, which in turn took over VHS. I have seen companies come (google) and go (Rover), I have seen blogs become popular (Scaryduck) and less so (FJLathome). I have seen celebrities blog (Chris Evans and Stephen Fry), and I have seen social networking take off (goodbye Friends Reunited, welcome Facebook). I now read an average of 3.1 blogs a day (the 0.1 is down to my father or TRT), I have met 9 fellow bloggers, and I regularly appear on search lists on google. I have my own domain, paid for by advertising on my blog. I average some 23,000 unique hits a day (mostly from spurious search engines admittedly) and I regularly have someone solve a problem by reading my solutions posted on here.
I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Charge your glasses and let's toast to the next 1000 posts eh?
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