King of Excellent (according to Scaryduck)

Tuesday, January 27

Last week's quiz...

Here, for you to really dust off the cobwebs, are the answers to last week's quiz.
  1. The Wombles
  2. Mr. Benn
  3. Trumpton
  4. The Perishers (my favourite)
  5. Hong Kong Phooey
  6. Animal Kwackers ("Rory, Rory, tell us a story")
  7. Roobarb and Custard
  8. Paddington Bear
  9. Mr. Men
  10. Mary, Mungo and Midge
  11. Rupert the Bear
  12. Picture Box (Ok, hands up who hates me for that one?)
  13. Sooty (easy peasy)
  14. Magpie
  15. Screentest (Yes, I know it was hard!)
And for this week, how about another one?