King of Excellent (according to Scaryduck)

Thursday, November 19

Diarrhoea is hereditary...

I'm a bit of a black sheep in my family. The male side of the family all shares the same traits, so let me give you some examples. First and foremost, we all look the same for the first couple of years. Blonde hair, chubby cheeks, and the bestest blue eyes ever. Then, as we get older (normally mid teens) the hair goes dark. We're also fairly small for our ages. By the time I was 14 I was full height, full fat, full on scary sized bloke. Whereas John is only now starting to show the signs of a growth spurt. He has up until this point been one of the smallest in his year, something I could never have eluded to (at one point I was the third tallest in the year). I have also not gone dark. Don't get me wrong I have gone darker, but not black or brown hair. I have a sort of dirty blonde hair that looks like it'll be staying put for the time being (grey not withstanding).Also, most of us male degenerates are quite small for the rest of our lives. Again, I'm the exception to the rule.
But, and in my case it's a big but, we do have some traits that do carry on regardless. Now BLS and my Dad won't thank me for mentioning it on here, but the main one is the necks. Where the collarbones meet, none of us can be touched. It's not ticklish, it's just unfeasibly sensitive. My father pulls up a jumper or whatever when he has a kip, a sort of security blanket on the chest. I do the same, and so does John. None of us can be tickled there, and in the past all of us have had a jerk fest where we've all gone for each other's necks. This, for an outsider, is incredibly funny.
See, Diarrhoea is hereditary, it runs in your genes...