As you know, I have a new car. I like 'prestige' cars, and have had many over the years. Volvo have by far and away been my favourite, starting with what I just refer to as the T5, back in February 2002. I've gone on to have 6 Volvos, all of them 4-series. I've also had a BMW, a Mercedes and a Passat. And so I fancied something different. I've always liked the look of Saabs, and knowing that they're also from the land of the blonde and expensive, I had to give it a try. I saw this one last week on eBay, and fell in love. Valued at £1500 in the listings, it was at 99p (!) with 2 days to go, and so I bid up to £425. I then won it, just scraping in at £405. We went on Tuesday night to the services next to the Severn Crossing to meet the seller, who was straight about his description.
What a car! It has a 2 litre, low pressure turbo. Better known as a "fooooooooooookin wahey" turbo, it starts at low revs, and you can feel it sort of pushing the car from behind just building the speed quicker and quicker. Whilst this is fun, it is also darned expensive. The fuel gauge shows how many miles you have left in the tank. It is 10 miles from the motorway to here, but includes 7 roundabouts. I had to try it out, didn't I? The fuel gauge dropped from 231 miles left to 130 miles. Last night John and I popped to the local Co-op. En route we had a stretch of road, probably about a quarter of a mile, straight, no houses, no obstructions. That cost a further 10 miles of fuel.
Now this is where you come in. I've nicknamed it the 'roadeater,' but I'm not overly keen on keeping it called that. Knowing most of my commenters are women, and women seem good at thinking up names for cars, I thought I'd ask for your suggestions. No girly names allowed, this car is very definitely masculine. Please suggest-o...